How many Muslims live in London?

How many Muslims live in London?

Historically, London had a concentration of Muslim. This took a sharp rise in the 1960s with large immigration from the commonwealth particularly from South Asia who mostly Muslim. London became the home of many that arrived. The actual number is not known as religion was not systematically recorded nationally until 2001. The 2001 census included an optional choice of stating one’s religious affiliation. The census gives a snapshot of the state of the country in a given day which in the UK is conducted every 10 years. The last census day for England and Wales was March 27 2011.

The Muslim population in London is one of the largest of all major European cities. After Christianity, Islam is the second largest religion practiced in London; according to the 2001 census, 607,000 people in the city identified themselves as Muslims, or 8.5% of the general population of approximately 7,172,000. In comparison to national demographics, this number reveals the significance of giving accurate understanding of Muslims in London. While 14% population of the UK’s population lives in London, nearly 40% of Muslims in England and Wales live in London.

