
Advice Konular

When is the first day of Rajab month in 2016?
When will Sha'ban month start in 2016?
Can menstruating women say takbir (Allahu Akbar- Allah is the Greatest)?
Does breastfeeding break fast?
Can one kiss each other while fasting?
Can a woman perform salah with makeup?
Can a person fast while impure (janabah)?
Does smoking cigarettes break fast?
Can we drink water after Fajr time began in Fasting?
Does cutting nails break wudu?
To do list in Lailat al-Mi'raj
How to perform salah in wedding night?
Does one wax while fasting?
How to intend qaza prayers?
Is killing a spider sin?
Does using ointment break one's fast?
Dua for conceiving
Dua before sexual intercourse
Does laughing break one's wudu?
The ten blessed animals which will enter Paradise (jannah)?
Is sehri compulsory for a nafil fast
What time does Maghrib prayer end?
Names of Ashab-e-Kahf
Are step brothers and sisters allowed to get married?
Can we listen to Quran without wudu?
Eating or drinking forgetfully while fasting
Does injection break the fast?
Does masturbation break the fast?
Does masturbation break the fast?
Does nail, hair or beard cutting break the fast?
Does vomiting invalidate one’s fast?
Things that do not break the fast
Conquest of Mecca
Do Muslims fast in New Year's Eve?
Can Muslims eat turkey or nuts in New Year's Eve?
What should Muslims do to avoid their children from Christmas celebrations?
Can Muslim wish merry Christmas?
Why Muslims should not celebrate the New Year?
Can Muslims celebrate Easter?
Where was Santa Claus born?
Can Muslims have Christmas tree?
The origin of Christmas
Can Muslims celebrate Christmas?
Quranic verses (ayats) about human rights
Does vomiting invalidate one’s ablution (wudu)?
What are types of salah? What is salah of al-nafilah? How to perform salah al-Awwabin?
Are menstruating women permitted to recite Surah Fatiha?
How long is it performed Isha prayer?
Who are uncles of Prophet Muhammad?
Hadith about cleaning